Superstitions. This simple term created for us to shortly describe the greatest meaning we attribute to one behaviour or another, at times investing objects with supernatural powers in order to make our points, feel protected, influence the will of angels or gods, and of course, of other people. It's about pleasing the eye and capturing the spirit that brings to our way what we want.
As per the definition offered by the popular and respectable now Wikipedia, "a superstition is any belief or practice considered by non-practitioners to be irrational or supernatural, attributed to fate or magic, perceived supernatural influence, or fear of that which is unknown."
Superstitions and the superstitious mind
A bringer of independence and/or misfortune is said to be the number 18, in some cultures, and that feels intriguing until we get to understand the deeper meaning of it. Eighteen is the age when we're supposed to be mature, act maturely and responsibly. It is also the age when we have certain liberties and we can prove the better education we receive. That is, if some black occult bad enough magic doesn't play with our hearts and minds. So, how good is it to let yourself influenced by the "other side"? What about your own side, where you live? Is it toxic? I it good? Does it make you actually stronger in your respectable position or it is quite the opposite? Perhaps superstitions do want to help one deal with everything coming our way. 
"Who the Devil" and why is the Devil such an important character to blame in all these matters of superstitious beliefs? Well, first of all, the Devil is the representation of impurity and wrong doing itself. It's the blame taker for everything so purely evil that would rather put an end to your own filthy ways for some other wisdom to take charge of one's possessions. Now, this prince of darkness known as the Devil, is almost in every story a daring filthy character waiting in the shadows to take away your life, your goods and probably mock you hard, who knows, bring some bad luck to your house, cheat and betray you, predate and leave you to the fate of bad consequences of your reckless behaviour. This is where "knocking on the wood" comes in hand. An into European, Celtic and probably British superstition as well that speaks of spirits good and bad residing in trees. These spirits can be called upon protection or chased away by knocking on their home. Christians particularly, are said to have linked this practice to the magical power of the Crucifix but historians, given the different theories, have attributed this superstition to a 19th century British children's game, "Tiggy Touchwood". In this game young players claimed immunity from being tagged by touching the nearest piece of wood. Adults picked up on the habit and the phrase, using it mostly with awareness to dangers. In Italy this habit said to be helping ward off evil spirits and cast away bad omen is referring to rather "touching steel". And isn't it efficient? Steel, swords, sharp blades that put an end to any problem fast and with the accuracy of the handler? 
But wait a minute! You can simply throw some salt in the eyes of the Devil and at least have the time to escape. If the Devil doesn't come out of it pure as a white flower! Then we'll have some other story to tell. 
Nevertheless, this superstition was used by the greatest minds for centuries either to depict, paint or illustrate their points and visions, in art, story-telling and matters related to real life. In Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper, Jesus' betrayer, Judas Iscariot, is portrayed as having accidentally spilled salt. Associated with doing something bad, this character, Judas the Iscariot, ipso facto, the argument goes that so does salt thus throwing it over your shoulders would blind the devil waiting there for some opportunity to grab your soul and get it fried in the ovens of witchcraft tales... or whatever the reasons to throw your soul to the flames. Testing, testing! Here comes salt as a purifier! 
It is well known that salt is an antiseptic and a pest chaser. How many rats have you seen in a salt cave? What about insects? Even bats have to get out of those caves if they want to feed properly. But what if the Devil cannot die by salt shots? Well, maybe with enough salt to cover him top to bottom he'll dry up like pastrami and become something bearable to live with... Let us not forget about the natural preservative salt is; many of our foods in the past, just like now, got well preserved feeding people well for longer periods of time than one was used to knowing foods good to be eaten, before this miracle of nature was discovered and used. Besides, one wouldn't break their leg while walking on salt, even in winter time, if properly spread on slippery grounds. So, unless you do want to break your leg and constantly seek the meet of the black cat's crossing of your way walking under every ladder you can find, who knows, maybe if you don't fall something falls on your... leg. 
It is said that this superstition has its roots in Christian symbolism: "The Holy Trinity" of the Father and Son, and the Holy Spirit. This led to the association of number three with something sacred - the triangle with its three sides being regarded somewhat like the magical circle one shouldn't cross to disturb the sacred energy. By super-magical-mind extension, walking under a ladder would be to destroy the sanctity of the Trinity and this incurs punishment. Right. 
Maybe this works with those who like to feel terrorised rather than awaken to the real wisdom behind it. Christianism and The Holy Trinity are a symbol that stands for life and good practices and habits. Of course, if one wishes to avoid danger they shouldn't force their luck. Just think about the times of the construction of pyramids when people were forced to spend their days in the hot sun, working hard. It is said that from Egypt comes the superstition of avoiding the ladder as a bad omen or bad luck bringer. Apparently the population living by the Nile thought that one might accidentally spot a god going up a ladder which was not permitted, thus they avoided ladders. But the truth must come as striking news when one realises that after long hours spent in the sun artists may get their fair hallucinations taken into account and get some protection from the hot rays of the sun that may as well help one pass away. 
Hallucinations. One of my favourite topics! Since we got to this subject, why not talk about mirrors and the other side, our twin trapped in the reflection of our own physical body or the spirit and broken mirrors and the real deal behind all this! Why is it such a great deal if one mirror breaks? Besides being a pretty expensive object, if well crafted, even today. Ancient Greeks, Romans and Europeans but not only feel the same about this. Breaking a mirror is something bad. But not breaking with a reflection may be as well a death bringer. See the story of Narcissus and the elements that lead to self-reflection traps. How sad can one feel to get to see the reflection of their appearance broken? Or how happy to see themselves in so many bits of sharp glittering bits of reflection?
The mirror is an object of vanity. And women and men have engaged equally in this art of the vanity that brings so much good luck and real power and everything one wants... until the mirror starts showing something else and time comes to let the younger take the lead of the world. Darn black magic! It was supposed to help to "eternal youth and beauty" and everything there for such a splendid being! - smashing great. It wasn't but until the Roman intervention, though, that breaking a mirror started bringing seven years of bad luck. Right: one for each heaven. 
"Horses and stepping on a crack!" Look at the time! I have to speed up a little. Yes. "Stepping on a crack" in African and European folklore extended their powers to stepping on ground cracks, mirrors and sidewalk cracks - and one cannot blame a woman either for training herself for wearing high heels or for wearing them in fair safety. The superstition refers to an invitation or a release of unwelcome spirits from the underworld into the world of humans. For this one should be prepared, perhaps, with some picky pennies or at least a horseshoe. Iron was a treasured metal in the last, used to pay brave knights for protection. Also, it is known that Saint Dunstan, a former blacksmith caught the Devil himself in his workshop and planted a horseshoe on his foot instead of taking care of the horse. The Devil was ridded off the shoe after taking an oath, never to approach any house with a horseshoe at the entrance. This superstition is also related to Diana and her vulva and the goddess of poetry, or the moon. 
Talking about vulvas and protection! Opening an umbrella in the house is said to also bring bad luck. Well, off course, if the space it tight and the umbrella is wet then drops all over the place after having it clean must upset a hardworking mother. It may as well be dangerous to play with items like this one inside, especially around children or too close to people. They might get injured. But, of course, the superstition talks about an offence brought to the sun god. Hiding like that from the sun god must mean that you did something really bad, now, doesn't it? ... Bare with me, please, I've got an itchy Palm. 
Finally a good luck bringer! The variations on this superstition are many but the idea of having an itchy palm refers to greed or insatiable desire for money. In "Julius Caesar", Shakespeare's play, Brutus speaks to Cassius like this: "Let me tell you, Cassius, you yourself are much condemned to have an itchy palm." 
Some believe that an itchy palm means you will get to meet someone new.  For others it means that money will come to your way. But maybe you should take into consideration washing your hands more frequently. 
Avoiding to pet cats, especially black cats, immediately after washing your hands, is one indication that someone in the house has the good doctor potential. But, the superstition related to the black cats has its origins in the Middle Ages when it was thought that witches kept black cats as companions. Some people even believed that a witches cat can turn into a witch itself or even a demon after 7 years (of service). After all, cats are known for having nine lives. Why not make the most of it in the last two they have to live? 
Blessings! or, better "God Bless You" a real good luck bringer! For some it is simple (old) good manners but blessing someone after they are sneezing is a common ... - wait a minute! This is a superstition? Apparently so it is. In the 6th century in Europe people congratulated the one who sneezed. They believed that the person was expelling evil spirits. - viruses, bacteria, bacilli, microorganisms of all kind! - Oh, yeah! I would have loved to be present there to congratulate them... YYUUUCH! 
Early Romans used to believe that a strong sneeze can release your soul into the world - aw, my bacterial soul! - and a bless you would keep it safe home... Oh, my dear inner world!
In 1665, when the Black Plague hit Europe, the Pope required everyone to be blessed when they sneezed, himself being convinced that the sneeze was a sign that the person was to die soon.
Time for a really powerful talisman! 
What is this? A rabbit's foot? WHat's next? Garlic to keep vampires at bay? No, seriously. When you get hit by the plague it must be time to runaway. Literally. Pack your things and fly away, or sail, if you're in the Middle Ages. Go to safer places, maybe pay a visit to cleaner civilisations - see what makes them healthier...! 
Anyway, make a wish on a wishbone, cross your fingers and let Friday 13th be a good day. Jesus may have died on a Friday and 13 may have the long history of an unlucky number, they are still charged up with loads of information and experience of which we haven't yet learned. Why not make our own history of the good out of it? 
Now let's grab a good take out. How would you think about some Japanese food? Just don't stick your chopsticks straight up. They look like the unlucky number four, which means death. It also reminds of incense sticks used at funerals. And don't point your chopsticks at anyone. That is rude if not a threatening offence brought to the one you are pointing at. 
Now let us give a penny to the delivery guy. After all, they did offered something sharp!
Usually, superstitions relate to physical things and matters to which are attributed supernatural powers, like knocking on the wood for bad luck and hex cast away or lucky chains and pendants with precious magic stones that carry a certain aura or magical energy charge.
But once launched into the study of them, one can agree on the fact that there is support for what one might be thinking as helpful in certain times of hardship and lack of balance and/or the kind of energy that charges them to their better action. 
Just like a human body, able to produce energy of various kinds, objects do carry their own aura or energy field which can produce both damages and repairs. 
So it comes to the Mind salt that purifies the place and makes things better in its beneficent amounts, being rich in properties that can create pleasure and spaces for purification and health treatments. And this is from the scientific point of view. From the historical point of view, though, the roots tell more about memories people carry on with, those being either the memories of someone they keep their faith in or who offers to them the spiritual comfort and strength that is so necessary to them. From space logical values, one should consider that it is absolutely necessary to pay attention to the environment before walking through stages of perpetual change and/or construction.

When we think about them we either feel like laughing or crying, if not caught in the middle where we can find the reason and proper balance to help us. ​​​​​​​
"Superstitions" is a project created for Team Reveal's 13th Collaboration Project. Here you can find all the extra details related to my contribution for the Team: ideas and pieces of information, imagery, sound and words I wanted to share with you.
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Superstitions. In addition to my presence in Team Reveal's 13th Superstitions Project, this project was created. I hope you'll find it enjoyable Read More
